Total support: $200,000
Intended Format: Lunch program at CHEST
Intended Audience: Fellows, Early career physicians, Pulmonary Hypertension Specialists, Pulmonologists, Cardiologists, Internal Medicine
Bayer TA Rationale for Educational Support:
Highest priority will be given to programs whose main focus is:
- Review of latest evidence in the multi-modal management of inoperable and persistent/recurrent CTEPH
Proposal Requirements:
The proposal must be compliant with standards and guidelines for commercial support (e.g., ACCME).
The proposal should include:
- Needs assessment
- Educational design and rationale for selection (where applicable)
- Learning Objectives
- Proposed Faculty
- Participant recruitment plan (where applicable)
- Outcomes strategy/plan
- Detailed budget
Provider Justification:
Copy of most recent accreditation letter and status
Applications/proposals which are submitted and determined to be complete are reviewed monthly. Allow a minimum of 45 days from submission for response.
Acceptance of a Bayer educational grant indicates that you will:
- Reconcile grant funding within 60 days of completion of the educational program
- Permit a Bayer Medical Affairs representative to audit live programs
- Share activity data and outcomes metrics within 30 days of their availability